Tuesday, 15 October 2013


Here, in Croatia we do not celebrate Halloween. We have All Saint's Day as a Catholic holiday but no Halloween. Instead of it we have Carnival days during February, just like in Venice (Italy) or in Rio de Janeiro...offcourse not that big one. But it is celebrated in many cities around the country. And it last a weeks, not only one night.

Well...we don't need Halloween to love and eat pumpkins, right?

I have found this beautiful idea: see Pin and had to make it.
Mine is just not that glitttery, I've wanted to be much more in real colour.

(I'm still able to resist Instagram, but who says I can't try to copy it in PS) ;)


  1. I ja bih to mogla reći, samo se ja nisam sjetila javiti ljudima da sam se vratila :))) (i mnogo blogova je u međuvremenu stalo...)

    Pogledat ću odmah! I dobrodošla natrag !

  2. Hahaha I enjoyed this though I was actually looking for Pumpkin Carving Ideas . I hope it’s fine with you that I could pin them on my Pinterest board. I’m so sure my followers would be happy to see these interesting photos. Keep sharing! :D
